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Commercial Solar

Solar Panels for Business

Whether your company is a fledgling startup finding its feet or a well-established enterprise with years under its belt, the benefits of commercial solar panels are universal. It doesn’t matter if your business revolves around selling delightful candies or essential car components; the transition to solar energy can offer substantial advantages.

Most businesses operate primarily during daylight hours, typically from 9 am to 5 pm. This makes solar panels an especially fitting energy solution. As these panels capture and convert the sun’s radiant energy, your business can power its daily operations directly from this abundant and renewable source. It’s not just about harnessing sunlight; it’s about transforming it into a sustainable driving force for your business.

What’s even more compelling is the economic argument. The lifetime cost of solar electricity has now been pegged at a mere 5.5p per kWh. When you compare this to the prevailing rates from the National Grid, the savings become evident. By making the strategic decision to switch to commercial solar panels, your company could realize savings of up to 50% on its electricity bills. This isn’t just a cost-saving measure; it’s a statement. By adopting solar energy, your business is not only cutting costs but also significantly reducing its carbon footprint, showcasing a commitment to sustainability and a greener future.

The Benefits of Commercial Solar

Energy Independence

As energy prices continue to rise, installing solar panels commercially will protect your business from fluctuating energy rates. As a result, your company will become less reliant on the National Grid and more reliant on the sun.

A Reduced Carbon Footprint

As energy demands increase through the rise of digitalisation, sustainable business strategies are a global focus. As solar energy is renewable and carbon neutral, by installing commercial solar panels you will lower your business’s carbon footprint. Installing solar is a great way to do your part for climate change.

Considerable Financial Savings

By having a commercial solar panel installation you will significantly reduce your company’s energy usage and spend. These solar savings can be used to invest more money into growing your business further.

Who Doesn’t Love A Green Business?

With growing environmental concerns, consumers and even employees are becoming more conscientious about whom they shop with or work for. Using commercial solar panels to power your business on green energy will demonstrate your commitment towards Net Zero and sustainable practice.

Recent Commercial Installations

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